“I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” Og Mandino

Couples, Child & Family Therapy

The goal of Couples and Family therapy is two-fold– (1) to help family members identify how specific behaviors affect others, learn new ways of relating to each other, and how to resolve conflicts; (2) to establish open lines of communication among all family members and to ultimately achieve a more satisfying and stable marriage and family environment.  As a therapist, I aim to explore interpersonal relationships with couples and/or families, with cultural sensitivity and a multi-generational perspective, focusing on communication, setting boundaries and establishing individuation.

All behavior has meaning. Children often communicate their stress and inability to interact with their environment through their behavior.  As your child’s therapist, I will approach the therapy with reflective listening, help to develop a language for emotions, and work on effective problem solving and communication skills to manage frustration. The goal of Child therapy is to help the child master the 3 R’s.

  • Reflective rather than reactive (to be curious about the behaviors in self and others)
  • Regulating with ability to self soothe (to hold and control emotional and physical responses to the trigger)
  • Responsive (to use words to communicate feelings, way their choices, or make appropriate transition)